Lydie Solomon Pianiste

Workshop on “Quality”

Lydie Solomon Pianiste

Workshop on “Quality”
2015-09-23, Antibes, France

Lydie Solomon was asked to share her experience as an international concert pianist with a group of 12 managers of a worldwide leading home improvement retailer.

The theme of the workshop was “Quality”.

Lydie Solomon led the group for 2 and half hours on “Quality” issues:
– first as a concert pianist, demonstrating how she finds solutions to the very demanding expectations raised by the classical music industry,
– then by asking the participants to work in small groups and think about practical proposals to enhance “Quality” in the company, especially on the customer service side.

This workshop session was followed by a one hour concert: “From Chopin to Cuba”.

The workshop was led in English.

Extracts of the workshop and concert:

“Never give up!”: