31 janvier 2015

« It would have been difficult to imagine a better start for this new cycle, than a composition from one of the greatest musicians in history, performed by the Płock Symphonic Orchestra, conducted by Janusz Przybylski. And if you add to this, as the soloist, the great French pianist Lydie Solomon, any comment becomes almost unnecessary.
However it is my chronicler duty to write a few lines on this event, which twice received a standing ovation. The first time, this is how Płock's music lovers expressed their thanks to the young pianist. The second time, they rewarded in the same way the Płock symphonic orchestra and its conductor for this concert.
Everything started “modestly”, as only the strings part of the orchestra played. “Adagio and Fugue in C minor” is the transcription of a work initially written for two pianos. It allows all musicians to exhibit the full scale of their skills, as did the other works performed by the Płock symphonic orchestra. The “Piano concerto in D minor” offers the possibility of great pianistic performances. The 23 year old French Lydie Solomon proved that despite her young age, she is already today among the top European musicians. Extremely talented, she completed, not only music, but also actor studies, and even got an MBA in an elite business school in Paris. She played Mozart's concerto with an improbable feeling, perfectly picking out all its subtleties and expressing the author's thought. The great pianist was rewarded with a long lasting standing ovation to which she answered with recognition with an encore which took everybody by surprise. She played and… sang Frederic Chopin's song, “Smutna rzeka [The Sad River]”.
“As for a dessert” the musicians served the “Symphony in C majeur Jupiter”, which is quoted as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's musical testimony. Here again, the absolutely incredible attention of the composer for each detail and each sound is visible, but also for all musicians. As a result, each one of them can show only his best side. And the Płock symphonic orchestra took advantage thriftily from these possibilities. Congratulations to them for this. »
Dziennik Płocki (Tomasz Paszkiewicz), 2015-01-31
– Concerto No. 20 by Mozart, first movement:
– Concerto No. 20 by Mozart, second movement:
– Concerto No. 20 by Mozart, third movement and encore (Smutna Rzeka, Julian Fontana):